Bluegrass Grotto

Bluegrass Grotto

About Us

The Blue Grass Grotto (BGG) is a local chapter of the National Speleological Society (NSS). We are affiliated with the Southeastern Regional Association which is an Internal Organization of the NSS. We also work with the Kentucky Speleological Survey with various projects.

The goals of the BGG are to encourage safe/responsible cave exploration as well as the conservation and study of caves.

Our meetings are held at 6pm on the third Thursday of each month. We are currently meeting at the LFUCG Public Safety Operations Center. Our members have access to our Zoom meeting link each month.

During each month's meeting, we discuss previous trips, ongoing projects, and upcoming trips. We also try to have educational programs to learn more about other aspects of caving.

We welcome new members and hope to see you at our next meeting!

Office Name
President Chelsea Parada
Vice-President Kevin Zachary
Secretary Elizabeth Copelin
Treasurer David Lindemuth
Librarian Bob Roth